Janaya Dasiuk - Serving in Australia with YWAM
Praise that she was able to renew her Australian visa
Pray that all she does would be done in love and that she would be an encouragement to those she rubs shoulders with.
Pray for continued growth as she takes a six month Biblical counselling course, starting in October of this year.
Pray for continued provision of finances– she will need roughly $11,000.00 to cover expenses over the next number of months.
Carmen Pahl - Serving with YFC
Pray for more people to partner with her in ministry, her monthly support is roughly half of what it needs to be
Pray for the girls she works with, many of them struggle with depression, suicidal thoughts and anxiety. Pray for wisdom to know how to love and encourage them.
Pray for her transition into a new role as Communications director for Calbreak. Pray that she would be well organized and able to learn quickly.
Pray for her as she moves into the city, that she would transition well and that her apartment would be a safe place for girls to go and hang out.
Dave and Judy Wright- Serving with Ethnos 360
Praise for the relationships being built with individuals in key positions in the First Nations community
Pray for wisdom as he prepares lessons for the second and third stages of the Explore 10:10 teaching.
Pray for more work space as the ministry grows
Praise that the family camp at their church went well. They were at full capacity and two women were baptised.
Praise for wisdom as they train their missionaries in language and culture
Pray for Ken as he seeks to provide coaching for the field leadership in Ukraine on developing vision and goals for the future
Pray for guidance in forming a new ministry team to work with international students in Kyiv
Dawson Redekop - Serving in Africa
Praise for all that God is doing in and through him
Pray for continued strength and perseverance
Pray for wisdom in how to best love and minster to those around him
Pray for good relationships with his team mates and people in the surrounding communities where they minster
Jerry and Angela Doerksen - Serving in Japan
Praise that their house sold
Pray that their full support would come in before they leave for Japan
Pray for their transition into life and ministry overseas
Pray that God would provide David and Ezra with good friends in Japan
Pray for grace in sorting out all the details of their transition
Praise for the summer season which they enjoy so much and for the arrival of camp season and all the kids that will be able to attend
Praise for a van to be able to take kids to camp with
Pray for plans for the fall, that the Lord will provide help for both the kids and the teens
Pray that Grant will be able to get a hip replacement, it is worn out, and he’s been having trouble walking.
Cam and Josie Janzen - Serving with ISMC
Pray for their staff conference from July 9 –15
Pray new local leadership as he goes into a fulltime national role
Pray for his preparation for his upcoming sabbatical– they are several years overdue on taking one .
Jake and Dorothy Fehr - Serving in Bolivia
Praise for the finishing of the Ministry Centre and RBC Radio station.
Pray for Cornie and Tina as they look to the Lord for funding for equipment and setting up this radio station.
Pray for RCB as they set up all their programs in Low German and Spanish that the voice of the good news will spread to all who do not know Him and encourage others.